22/06/20 – Transition 2020 Update

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 lockdown, our induction days have sadly had to be cancelled.  In its place, we are hoping to put together a virtual programme that will keep you informed until we can see you in person. This will include a virtual intake evening where key members of Baxter College Staff including Mr Carpenter (Principal), Mr Tansley ( Head of Year 7 ), Mr Mann ( Assistant Principal/SENDCO) and myself will be available to provide key information and respond to any questions you may have. The current transition dates are as follows:

Thursday 9 July –Virtual New Intake Evening – Parents/Guardians & Year 6 pupils.

At Baxter College we work extensively to develop our links with our local primary schools. During Year 6, there is a primary transition programme that enables students to come and have different experiences of our school and find out what we are about. Prior to this, we also run a series of events for children from Years 2-5 which gives them the opportunity to have fun with their peers and meet children from other primary schools. Some examples of these are dance festivals, science visits, sports festivals and school show matinees. It is our privilege to work with our local primary schools and their fantastic students, we work hard together to produce a primary program of events that will encourage all pupils alongside developing creativity, resilience, and enjoyment, whilst reducing the anxiety and worry that transferring to a secondary school can bring.

If, as a prospective parent, guardian or carer you would like a tour of the school please do feel free to contact the school on 01562 741524. If you have any questions or queries about our primary transition or induction program or want to talk to us about your child please use the email information@baxtercollege.co.uk to contact me and I will be happy to set up a meeting either with our Pastoral leader of Year 7, myself or our Assistant Principal/SENDCO or all of us! 

Kind regards,

Mrs E Spare

Primary Transition Lead