Year 6 Students – Welcome to Baxter College!

Secondary places have been allocated yesterday and congratulations if you have your first choice!

An even bigger congratulations if it is with us at Baxter College! Thank you for choosing us, we are sending all of you a welcome postcard which has a note from Mr Carpenter, Principal at Baxter College.

Look out for your postcard in the post this week! 📮

We are overwhelmed with the responses to join Baxter College! We would like to thank our community as we couldn’t have done this without the support and the belief of our school. Our values are embedded into our school and ensure we continue to provide the best quality of education and experiences for our students.

If you or your child are unhappy with your current allocation or would like to enquire about Baxter College, please contact our reception office via phone on 01562 741 524 or email at to arrange a chat and secure a place at our school.